For those patients without dental insurance we provide Preventative Care Plan @ Smiles on Smiles. For those with dental insurance please see below.
Our focus is prevention. For our dentistry here in the Upper West Side, we want to shift from reactive care to proactive care; from intervention to prevention. For our un-insured patients the cost for the our plan is:
$60 per month or $550 per year*
This includes two cleanings per year. (including your exam and diagnostic imaging), starting at 10% reduced rates
All included in your PCP@SoS benefits. Three cleanings per year plus one additional cleaning to gift a friend or family
PCP@SoS benefits provide fillings from $150 to $345 (cost varies depending on size of the restoration).
PCP@SoS benefits at just $175 per session!
Cold power bleaching for lower sensitivity with superior results! Approximately 30-60 minutes per session.
PCP@SoS ranges from $995 to $1475 per tooth. Automatic approval for payment planning with a deposit of 35% required to start cases and 2 to 6 monthly payments.
Exams, cleanings,

We are always listening and strive our hardest to find a financial plan that fits your needs
Financial consultations. We provide no interest payment planning as well as provide extended treatment to meet your financial needs. Ask us how we can make your ideal smile possible and we will take the time to sit down with you and setup a financial plan that fits your needs and budget.
Dental Insurance

Your cost of care varies by your insurance plan. Please note that within these insurance coverages there are individual plans and employer plans that may alter coverage. We want to make sure you are covered! The best way to ensure that we can take your plan is to please text the front and back of your insurance card along with your date of birth to our main line 646-755-8006